G.O.Ms.No. 1005, Dt:27-12-1974




EMPLOYMENT - Recruitment procedure - Relaxation of Employment Exchange procedure in favor of a dependent of a deceased State Government Servant - Orders - Issued.



G.O.Ms.No.1005                                                            Dated the 27th December 1974.


Read the following: -


1. From Board of Revenue, Lr.No.Dis.N/2675/73, dated 27th  October, 1973.

2. From the Director, Employment and Training, Lr.No.G1/42450/73, dated 22ndMarch 1973.


The Government of India have issued instructions to appoint without reference to the Employment Exchange a son/daughter/near relation of a government servant, who dies in harness, leaving his family in immediate need of assistance, where being no other earning member in the family to a post which is required to be filled through the Employment Exchange. The Board of-Revenue have suggested that the concessions available to a son/daughter/near relative of a Central Government employee, who dies in harness of being appointed without reference to the Employment Exchange may be extended to a son/daughter/near relative of the State Government employee who dies in harness leaving his family in indigent circumstances.

 2. The Government have carefully examined the issue in consultation with the Director of Employment and Training and they direct that a child (son or daughter) or spouse of a deceased Government employee be appointed without the medium of Employment Exchange subject the following conditions: -

 1.   The concession is restricted to a child or the spouse of only such employee as have died in harness, there being no other earning member in the family.

 2.     A formal notification of the vacancy may be made to the Employment Exchange.

 3. After filling up the vacancy the appointing authority will furnish all relevant particulars of the candidate to the Employment Exchange; and

 4. Such appointment should be made with the prior approval of the Director, Employment and Training if it is in the twin cities or District Collector, if it is in the district, as the case may be.



Secretary to Government


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