PUBLIC SERVICES - Subordinate Services - Ministerial posts such a Clerks, Typists, Steno - typists and other lower categories - Employment of dependent children of deceased Government employees who die in harness - Amendment to orders issued in G.O.Ms.No. 84, General Administration (Services-A) Department, dated 17th February, 1982 - Issued.
G.O.Ms.No. 110, Dated 22nd February, 1984.
Read the following: -
1. G.O.Ms.No. 84, General Administration (Ser.-A) Department, dated 17th February 1982.
2. From the president, Andhra Pradesh Secretariat section officers Association, dated 24th November, 1982.
In the G.O. read above orders have been issued lo the effect that the qualified and eligible dependents of deceased Government servants belonging to OCs shall not be appointed in the vacancies meant for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes and that they should be considered for appointment in.the vacancies meant for OC candidates only, if they are readily available, if no such vacancies are readily available, they may be appointed against supernumerary posts to be created for the purpose after waiting for the occurrence of OC vacancies for a reason1ble period which may be one year from the date of application of the dependents.
2. Representations have been made to the Government requesting that if the dependent of a deceased employee has to be appointed against a OC vacancy and if such a vacancy does not exist a supernumerary post may be created immediately on application of the dependent of a deceased Govern1J1ent employee, and the descendant be appointed immediately against that supernumerary vacancy instead of making him to wait for one year for the occurrence of a vacancy or for creating a supernumerary post after that period.
3. Government have examined the matter carefully and with a view to provided immediate relief to the bereaved members of the family of the deceased Government employees who die in harness and have decided to accept the above proposal. Accordingly following amendment is issued to the G.O. read above.
In para 4 of the said G.O. the words, "after waiting for the occurrence of O.C. vacancies for a reasonable period which may be one year from the date of application of the dependents" shall be omitted.
Chief Secretary to Government.