Public Services - Employment to the spouse and dependents children of deceased Government Employees who die in harness - Powers of appointment to the appointing authorities - Revised orders - Issued.
G.O.Ms.No.215, Dated the 8th April, 1993
Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.427, G.A.(Ser.A) Department, dt.1.7.1991.
2. G.O.Ms.No.533,G.A.(Ser.A) Dept., dt.5.9.1991.
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With a view to provide immediate relief to the family of a Government Employees who dies in harness and also to avoid a situation where there are vacancies in some departments, while the eligible dependent cannot be appointed for want of vacancies in the department concerned, Government have decided to have a Central Agency to co-ordinate such appointments by utilising vacancies in the various Departments. Accordingly, orders were issued in the G.O. first read above, making the Collector of the concerned District as the nodal authority to allot eligible dependents to any department for issue of appointment orders. All the District Heads and Heads of Offices in the District concerned were requested to notify the vacancies as and when they occur in their offices to the District Collector concerned. They were also requested to inform about the applications received from the deceased spouse/children found eligible and forward the same with their remarks to the District Collector who will monitor all such cases and issue orders wherever necessary allotting the eligible spouse/children in any vacancy in any department in the District. The Collectors were also delegated with the power to create supernumerary posts not exceeding five in a financial year in each district for accommodating the dependent of the deceased employees.
2. In respect of the Heads of Departments in Twin Cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, for monitoring co-ordination and creation of supernumerary posts etc., for accommodating the dependents of the deceased Government employee orders were issued in G.O. 2nd read above making the General Administration (I.C.) Department as the nodal agency.
3. The General feeling regarding the working of the scheme is that Centralisation ordered in the G.Os. 1st and 2nd read above is resulting in delays in making appointments even in normal cases where there are vacancies and the eligible dependents could be appointed straight away with reference to their qualifications. The Service Associations have also represented that the power now vested with the District Collector for making allotment of the compassionate appointments is not working well and therefore requested that the Head of the Departments and the appointing authorities may be vested with the power to make such appointments by themselves instead of processing the cases through the channel of the District Collector.
4. Government have carefully examined the matter and decided that in normal cases where there are vacancies and the eligible candidates could be appointed straight away such cases need not be referred to the nodal [88] authority. Accordingly in partial modification of the orders issued in the G.Os. first and second read above, Government issue the following orders.
(i) Where a vacancy is available and in eligible dependent could be appointed in such a vacancy with reference to his qualifications and subject to provisions of rule of reservation, the appointing authority may appoint him straightaway and duly intimate the fact to the District Collector/General Administration (I.C.) Department, as the case may be.
(ii) In cases where there is no vacancy or the dependent cannot be appointed even if a vacancy is available as he is not qualified to hold such post or as the vacancy is meant for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Backward Class candidate, the appointing authority shall report the vacancy. While forwarding the application of the eligible dependent to the nodal authority for appointment to any vacancy in the district/in the twin cities as the case may be.
(iii) There may be few cases, where an application is received from an eligible dependent of a deceased Government employee (viz., in respect of cases covered by item (i) above) after the appointing authority has notified a vacancy to the nodal authority. In such cases, the appointing authority should immediately report of that claim of the dependent to the Collector/Genl. Administration (I.C.) Department and make such appointment only after obtaining clearance from the Collector/ Genl. Administration (I.C.) Department, as the case may be such appointments shall not be made without reference to the Collector/Genl. Admn. (I.C.) Department under only circumstances.
5. Government consider, that the reporting of the vacancies by the authorities concerned and as well as the appointments made under the [89] scheme should be properly regulated and monitored. The appointing authorities should furnish a monthly report of the vacancies existing in their offices along with the details of the applications received from the dependents of the deceased and forwarded to the nodal authority in the format appended to this order to the District Collector/General Administration (I.C.) Department as the case may be. The Nodal Agency should furnish the consolidated information as in part-I of the former to the Genl. Admn. (Ser.A) Department by 10th of the succeeding month.