G.O.Ms.No. 427, Dt:01-07-1991




Public Services - Employment to the spouse and dependent children of deceased Government employees who die in harness streamlining of procedure - posts such as Clerks, Typists, Steno-typists and other lower categories - Power to create Supernumerary post not exceeding five in a financial year in each district - Orders - Issued.




G.O.Ms.No.427                                                                                                    Dated the 1st July, 1991


Read the following:-

1. G.O.Ms.No.687, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept., dated 3rd October, 1977.

2. Memo. No.618/Ser.A/78-11, G.A.D., dated 17th December, 1979.

3. Memo No.1083/Ser.A/80-11, General Administration (Ser.A) Department, dated 1stAugust, 1980.

4. Memo No.1879/Ser.A/80-1, General Administration (Ser.A) Department, dated 1stDecember, 1980.

5. G.O.Ms.No.84, General Administration (Ser.A) Department, dated 17th February, 1982.

6. G.O.Ms.No.110, G.A.(Ser.A) Department dated 22nd February, 1984.

7. Agreement reached between the Government and Service Associations in April, 1991.

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In the G.O. first read above permanent relief to the deserving bereaved members of the family of the deceased Government servant has been provided by appointing the spouse of a deceased Government or the dependent children of the deceased Government servant who died in harness, as a social security measure without reference to Employment Exchange. Such appointments should be to the categories of posts whose pay is equal to or less than that of L.D.C. subject to fulfilling certain conditions mentioned therein. In the Memo. second read above, certain clarifications were issued regarding the eligibility of the candidates who apply for appointment under this Social Security Scheme. In the Memo third read above, it has been made clear that request for compassionate appointments in cases which violate the conditions stipulated in the scheme should not be entertained, as indiscriminate compassionate appointments in the cases of the dependants of the deceased Government servants who die in harness will deprive other equally deserving poor families in securing jobs. In the Memo fourth read above, instructions were issued to consider the dependents of the deceased Government Servants for appointment in the office in which the deceased was working or in any other office under the administrative control of that Department, if there is no vacancy in the former.


2. In the G.O. fifth read above, as modified in the G.O. sixth read above, instructions were issued that qualified and eligible dependents of deceased Government Servants shall not be appointed in the vacancies meant for SCs., STs., and BCs., unless they are members of the respective communities and that they shall be considered for appointment in the vacancies meant for O.C. Candidates, if they are readily available, and if such vacancies are not available, they may be appointed against supernumerary posts to be created for the purpose. Instructions were also issued therein, that any supernumerary post so created shall continue till such time a vacancy arises as per the roster for O.C. candidates and when a regular vacancy arises as per the roster, the supernumerary post so created automatically ceases. The said G.O. further lays down that the above procedure shall also be adopted for the son/daughter/spouse of deceased employees who belong to S.C., S.T., or B.C. community and when there is no vacancy reserved for that community as per the roster.


3. It has been brought to the notice of the Government that a number of applications for appointment to the posts under social security scheme are pending [62] in the districts, although instructions were issued in the Memo. fourth read above, that Compassionate appointments can be made not only in the department where the employee died, but also in another department. In order to avoid a situation where there are vacancies in some departments and heirs who cannot be appointed for want of vacancies in other departments, Government have decided to have a Central Authority to co-ordinate such appointments. Government therefore, have decided to make the collector of the concerned district as the nodal authority to allot the eligible dependents to any department for issue of appointment orders. All the District Heads and Heads of offices in the district concerned, are therefore, requested to notify the vacancies as and when they occur in their offices, to the District Collectors concerned. They are also requested to inform about the applications from the deceased spouse/children found eligible and forward the same to the District Collector with his remarks. The District Collector will monitor all such cases and issue orders wherever necessary allotting the eligible spouse/children in any vacancy in any department in the district. With the formation of the Central coordination at the level of the District Collector, there may be no need for creation of supernumerary posts. However, there may in the beginning be some need for creation of supernumerary posts.


4. Government have entered into an agreement with the various service associations in April, 1991. It was agreed therein to delegate powers to the District Collectors for creation of supernumerary posts, not exceeding five in a financial year for accommodating the dependents of the deceased employees in any of the departments in the Districts, but could not be absorbed in clear vacancies in any of the departments, and in case of necessity, the Collector may approach the Government for sanction of additional supernumerary posts.


5. Following the agreement seventh read above, Government hereby empower all the District Collectors to create supernumerary posts, not exceeding five in number in a financial year, when there are no vacancies in any of the Government Departments in the concerned districts. In each such order issued by the District Collector, the number of supernumerary posts created so far in the financial year shall invariably be specified to ensure that the maximum of five is not exceeded. A copy of the proceedings shall be communicated to the District Treasury Officer, Sub-Treasury Officer and Audit Authorities to enable them to admit the salary of the employee concerned.


6. The Collectors are therefore requested to exercise the above authority very judiciously while creating the supernumerary posts, as creation of supernumerary posts is not for all cases, but only in original cases, as cases of one department would be adjusted in vacancies of other departments.


7. In case of necessity for creation of supernumerary posts, over and above five in a financial year, the Collector of the concerned district shall approach the Government in the concerned administrative department for creation of additional supernumerary posts with full details of vacancies and number of applications pending in various departments.


8. In the case of Heads of Departments in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, General Administration Department shall be the co-ordinating nodal agency to allot the eligible dependents to any of the Head of the Department for issue of appointment orders. All the Heads of Departments in the twin cities are therefore, requested to notify the vacancies as and when they occur in their offices to the Genl. Administration Department. They are also requested to inform about the applications from the deceased spouse/children found eligible and forward the same to the General Administration Department with their remarks. The General Administration Department, will monitor all such cases and issue necessary orders wherever necessary allotting the eligible spouse/children in any vacancy in any department in the twin cities. Therefore, there may be no need for creation of supernumerary posts in the Heads of Departments. However, there may, in the beginning, be some need for creation of supernumerary posts. General Administration Department shall issue orders creating supernumerary posts duly following the usual procedure prescribed for creation of such supernumerary posts.


9. Any supernumerary posts created shall continue till such time a regular vacancy arises subject to rotation of roster and the supernumerary post so created shall automatically cease.


10. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance and Planning (FW.Exp.HG) Department vide their U.O.No.G91-05-225/1025/A2/PRC.I/91-1, dt.29.6.1991.






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