G.O.Ms.No. 612, Dt:30-10-1991




Public Services - Subordinate Services - Scheme of compassionate appoints to the dependents of deceased Government employees - Further instructions Issued.




G.O.Ms.No.612                                                                                          Dated the 30th October, 1991


Read the following:-

1. G.O.Ms.No.687, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept., dated 3rd October, 1977.

2. Memo. No.618/Ser.A/78-11, G.A.D., dated 17th December, 1979.

3. Memo No.504, G.A.(Ser.A) Dept., dt.30.7.1980.

4. Memo No.2047/Ser.A/83-1, General Administration Department, dated 10- 10-1983.

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The G.O. first read above lays down the procedure to be followed in providing immediate permanent relief to the family of a Government employee who dies in harness by appointing his son/daughter/spouse without the media of Employment Exchange, subject to certain conditions specified therein as also in various orders issued form time to time, as a social security measure. Certain points raised subsequently regarding relaxation of educational qualifications, age for appointment and the time limit for submission of applications etc., have been clarified in the Memo second read above. Instructions have also been issued in the Memo fourth read above that no application for relaxation of any of the conditions in respect of appointment of the dependents of deceased Government servants to the posts other than the posts in the Last Grade Service should be entertained.


2. Inspite of the above instructions, certain types of cases are being referred to General Administration (Services) Department either for clarification or for relaxation of the conditions stipulated in the orders governing the appointments made under the social security scheme as also under the medical invalidation scheme formulated in the G.O. third read above. The Government have examined these cases and the following orders are issued in modification of orders issued from time to time wherever they are inconsistent with those orders:-

(i) The younger brother/sister of the deceased Government servant who remained unmarried can be considered for appointment under the scheme, provided there is no other earning member in the family. The cases which came up for consideration earlier need not be re-opened.

(ii) The adopted son or daughter of the deceased Government Servant may be considered for appointment, if the adoption had taken place legally, atleast five years prior to the date of demise of the Government Servant.

(iii) Where one deceased employee does not have any male child but leaves behind him a married daughter and an unmarried minor daughter, the choice of selecting one of them for appointment under the social security scheme shall be left to the mother.

(iv) If the dependents of the deceased employees are eligible to be considered for any category of post whose pay is equal or less than that of Junior Assistant (L.D.C.) and if they satisfy the qualifications and physical standards prescribed for such posts, they can be considered for posts such as, Police Constable in Home Department, Excise Constable in Excise Department, Helper Grade-I and II in Forest Department, Leading Fireman/Fireman in Fire Service Department etc., In any case, no dependent of the deceased Government employee possessing higher qualifications prescribed for the posts of Assistant Engineers, Assistant Executive Engineers, Civil Assistant Surgeons etc., shall be considered for appointment to post carrying higher scale of pay such as Assistant Engineers, Assistant Executive Engineers, Civil Assistant Surgeons etc., Since the clerical posts in Education Department/Educational Institutions are a few, the dependents of deceased employees can also be considered for the lowest teaching post i.e., posts at present carrying a scale of pay of Rs.1010-1800, in the Education Department/Educational Institutions, if they satisfy the qualifications prescribed under the rules to hold such posts.

(v) As the object of the social security scheme is to give immediate relief to the distressed family of the deceased Government employee, a minor who does not attain majority within two years as specified in Government Memo No.618/Ser.A/78- 11, General Administration Department, dt.17-12-1979 after the demise of the Government employee, shall not be considered for appointment. In such cases it is decided to grant ex-gratia to the widow/dependent of the deceased employee. Orders regarding quantum of ex-gratia will be issued separately.

(vi) In cases where , Diploma holders who do not possess minimum educational qualifications for appointment as Junior Assistants and who have sought appointment as Junior Assistant are exempt from possessing minimum general educational qualifications, provided the duration of study to acquire such qualifications, (i.e., Diploma) is equivalent to or longer than that Intermediate.

(vii) Where typewriting in English (Higher) and Telugu (Higher) is an essential qualification for appointment to a post, the candidates who do not possess those qualifications may be considered for appointment to such categories of posts subject to the condition that they should acquire such qualifications within two years after such appointment.

(viii) The minimum qualification required to hold the post of Junior Assistant in the Heads of Departments/Directorates is Degree and in Subordinate Offices Intermediate. The candidates for compassionate appointment who do not possess the said qualifications can be considered for appointment if they possess atleast Intermediate/Tenth Class qualification respectively, by giving reasonably time to acquire higher qualification prescribed under rules to hold such posts.


3. This order shall come into force with immediate effect. 4. The Government also direct that the present scheme of compassionate appointment of spouse/son/daughter of a Government servant who retire on medical invalidation shall continue without any modification and the orders referred to in the above paras shall not apply to the cases off compassionate appointments on medical invalidation.






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