Memo. No. 44634/Ser.A/97- I. Dated: 12-6-1997.
Sub: Public Services - Subordinate Service Compassionate Appointment of Son / daughter / Spouse of the Govt. Employees who retire on Medical Invalidation - Further instructions - Issued.
Ref: 1. G.O. Ms. No. 504, G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. dated 30-7-1980.
2. G.O. Ms. No. 309, G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. dt. 4-7- I 985.
3. G.O. Lr. No. 347/Ser.A) 96-1, G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. Dt. 31-7-96) addressed to all Secretaries to Government.
4. DO. Lr. No. 347/Ser. /N96-2, G.A .(Ser.A) Dept. dt. 31-7-96 addressed lo all Dist. Collectors and copied to all heads of Depts.
5. Govt. Memo. No. 347/Ser.N96-9, dated 15-3-1997.
In the G.O. First and second cited, Government issued orders for appointment of a son/daughter/spouse of the Government employees who retire from service on Medical Invalidation under Article 441 of the A.P. Pension Code (Vol.I) subject to certain conditions specified therein, including a restriction that this benefit would be applicable to only those Govt. Employees who retire on Medical Invalidation, 5 (five) years before the Government employee attains the age of superannuation.
2. Subsequently, in the 0.0. letters third and fourth cited, among other things, instructions have been issued that all the appointing authorities should specifically obtain prior approval of the Government for all the proposals relating to compassionate appointments of the dependents of the Government employees who retire on Medical Invalidation including such proposals pending as on 31-07-1996 before any appointment under the scheme or compassionate appointments on Medical Invalidation is made and only after obtaining the prior approval or the Government such appointments should he made.
3. Further in Government memo. Fifth cited, while rescinding the instructions issued in the D.O. letters third and fourth cited, instructions have been issued that all the proposals or compassionate appointments to the dependents of Govt. employees who retire on Medical Invalidation that were pending in full shape as on 31-7-1996 and Medical Certificates were already obtained be considered and disposed off by the concerned Appointing Authorities themselves strictly as per
the orders/ instructions issued on the scheme of compassionate appointments on Medical Invalidation prior to the instructions issued in the D.O. letters third and fourth cited. It has also been intimated therein that in respect or the cases / proposals for compassionate appointments under the scheme in question that arise on or after 1-8-1996 instructions will be issued separately.
4. Instances have come to the notice of Government seeking further clarification regarding action to be taken in certain cases, wherein Medical Invalidation certificates of Govt. Employees have been received in the Departments / Offices on or before 31-7-1996 but the Govt. Employees are permitted to retire on or after 1-8-1996 due to administrative reasons or delays and their dependents applied for compassionate appointments under the scheme in such cases.
5. Government after careful examination and in continuation to the instructions issued in Government Memo. Fifth cited, hereby clarify that, in addition to the proposals of compassionate appointments to the dependents of Government employees who retire on Medical Invalidation that were pending as on 31-7-1996, the cases of compassionate appointments of the dependents of the Government employees in which the Medical Invalidation Certificates or the Government employees have been received on or before 31-7-1996 in the respective departments I offices, may also be considered and disposed of by the concerned appointing authorities themselves as per the orders / instructions issued on the scheme of compassionate appointments on Medical Invalidation though such Government employees were permitted to retire on or after 1-8-1996 due to administrative reasons / delays.
6. Except the cases referred to above, in respect of the cases / proposals for compassionate appointments to the dependents of Government employees who retire on medical Invalidation that arose on or after 1-8-1996, instructions will be issued separately, as already intimated in the Government Memo. fifth cited.
Secretary to Government