GO.Ms.No: 01, Dt:22-02-2008




PUBLIC ENTERPRISES - Scheme of Compassionate appointments to the dependants of deceased employees in the State Level Public Enterprises - Restored with prospective effect - Orders - Issued.




G.O.Ms.No. 01                                                                                                            Dated. 22-02-2008.


Read the following: -

1. G.O.Ms.No.687, G.A.(Ser.A.) Department, dated.3.1 0.1977.

2. Memo.No.618/Ser.A/78-11, G.ADeptt., dated.17.12.1979.

3. G.O.Ms.No.545, G.A.(PE.I) Department, dated.16.9.1991.

4. G.O.Ms.No.612, GA(Ser.A) Department, dt.30.1 0.1991.

5. G.O.Ms.No.59, G.A.(Ser.A) Department, dt.5.2.1993.

6. G.O.Ms.No.36, P.E.(III) Department, dated.05.9.2001.

7. Circular Memo.No.60681/Ser.A/2003-1, G.A.(Ser.A) Deptt., dt.12.8.2003.

8. From Chairman, A.P.Public Sector Employees Federation, Reptn., dt.Nil.





In the references 1st to 5th read above, Government have issued orders specifying the procedure governing the scheme of Compassionate appointments to the dependants of deceased Government employees. In the G.O. 3rd read above, guidelines were issued to all the State Level Public Enterprises (SLPEs) advising that the provision of employment on Compassionate grounds in the case of those employees who expire while in service, on the same lines as in practice in Government may be adopted. In the G.O. 5th read above; Government have examined the quantum of Ex-gratia to be paid to the distressed family of a deceased Government employee where the relief by way of appointment of a dependant of the deceased employee cannot be considered. In such cases, Government have directed that the widow/dependant of the deceased employee, as the case may be, be granted ex-gratia by the concerned appointing authority, as indicated in the said G.O.


3. In the reference 6th read above, Government has issued orders the scheme of compassionate appointment in the State Level Public Enterprises should be dispensed with and in lieu of the same, the following amounts to be paid as an ex-gratia to the dependents of the employees of SLPEs dying in harness:


a) Class IV Employees: RS. 50,000/

b) Ministerial Staff: RS. 75,000/-

c) Officers and Executives: RS.1,00,000/-


4. In the reference 8th read above, the Chairman, A.P.Public Sector Employees Federation, Hyderabad, has requested the Govt. for restoration of compassionate appointment scheme in State Level Public Enterprises and Co-operatives, without discrimination amongst the employees of State Govt. and Public Sector Undertakings, as a welfare measure to mitigate the hardship to the distressed families and provide them with a social security.


5. Government after careful examination of the matter, and keeping in view of the reforms and changed scenario, have decided to implement the Compassionate Appointments Scheme as per the consolidated existing instructions issued in the reference 7thread above, on par with State Government Employees, and accordingly, hereby order to restore the Compassionate Appointments Scheme to the employees dying in harness in State Level Public Enterprises and Cooperatives, with prospective effect from the date of issue of the orders in the matter and applicable only to such SLPEs and Co-operatives, having positive Net worth, which are financially sound, earning profits for the last five years and not dependent on Government for any kind of budgetary support whether in the form of Government grants or subsidy.


6. These orders shall come into force with immediate effect. Government also direct that the earlier cases shall not be entertained under any circumstances, and all the earlier cases pending, may be processed as per orders issued in G.0.Ms. No.36, Public Enterprises (III) Department, dated.05.9.2001, so far as granting ex-gratia as per eligibility.


7. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide C.No.398/ Finance (Exp.I&C)/2008, dated. 14.02.2008.







The Managing Directors of all State Level Public Enterprises/Co-operatives.

All Administrative Departments of SLPEs in Secretariat.

The Accountant General, A.P., Hyderabad.

Copy to:

The Finance Department

All Officers/ Sections in Public Enterprises Department

The Press Section (I&PR)



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