DO. Lr. No. 347, Dt:31-07-1996




N.V.H. Sastry, IAS                                                                                                       Hyderabad

Secretary to Government                                                                                      Dated: 31-7-1996.

General Administration (Ser.)

D.O. Letter No. 347/Ser.A/96-2



Sub: Public Services - Subordinate services - Compassionate appointments of son / daughter / spouse of the Govt. employees who retire on Medical Invalidation - Prior approval of Government required – Instructions - issued.


 Ref:  1. G.O.Ms.No. 564, Genl. Admn. (Ser.A) Dept., dated 30-7-1980.

           2. G.O.Ms.No. 309, Genl. Admn. (Ser.A) Dept., dated 4-7-1985.



In the references cited Government issued orders for appointment or son / daughter / spouse of the Government employees who retire from service on Medical Invalidation under Article 441 of the A.P. Pension Code Vol. I subject to certain conditions specified thcn.:1n including the restriction that this benefit would be applicable to only those Government employees who retire on Medical Invalidation 5 (five) year before the Government employees attains the age of superannuation.


2. Government observed that appointments under the scheme arc being made by the Appointing Authorities in deviation of the spirit of the scheme. It is. therefore, felt necessary that all such proposals of compassionate appointments of dependents of Government employees who retire on Medical Invalidation grounds need a very close scrutiny al Government level. Government, therefore, decided that all the Appointing Authorities should obtain specific prior approval or the Government before any appointment under the scheme of compassionate appointment on Medical Invalidation is made.


3. I have been. therefore, directed to request you lo ensure that all such proposals including the proposals pending as on, today which are in accordance with the existing instructions and guidelines issued from time to time on the scheme arc referred to the concerned Heads of Departments who shall in turn refer to

Government in the respective administrative departments in Secretariat and only after obtaining prior approval of the Government such appointments shall be made.


4. I am., therefore. to request you to strictly adhere to the instructions and also ensure that other District Officers in the District also scrupulously follow these instructions.


With regards,

Yours sincerely

(Sd/- N.Y.H. SASTRY)



All District collectors.

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