G.O. Ms. No: 400, Dt:12-09-1996




Public Services - Subordinate Services - Compassionate appointments to the dependents of the deceased Government Employees who die in harness – Further Instructions - Issued.




G.O.Ms. No.400                                                                                                                      Dated: 12-09-1996


Read the following: -


1. G.O.Ms.No. 687, G.A. (Ser.A) Dept, dated 03-10-1977.

2. Govt. memo. No. 618/Ser.A/78-11, G.A.D. dated 17-12-1979.

3. Govt. Memo No. 1083/Ser.A/80-1, General Administration Dept., dated 01-08-1980.

4. Govt. Memo No. 1879/Ser.A/80-1. General Administration Dept. dated 01-12-1980.

5. G.O.Ms.No. 84. General Administration (Ser.A) Dept. dated 17-02-1982.

6. Govt. Memo No. 380/Ser.A/82-1. General Administration Dept. dated.02-09-1983.

7. Govt. Memo. No. 2047/Ser.A/83- I. General Administration Dept., dt.10-10-1983.

8. G.O.Ms.No. 110. G.A.D. dt. 22-2-1984.

9. Govt. Memo.No. 113/Ser.A/86-1. General Administration Dept. dated.07-03-1986.

10. G.O.Ms. o. 259. G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. dated 19-05-1986.

11. G.O.Ms.No. 349. G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. dated 12-06-1986.

12. Govt. Memo No. 1345/Ser. A/87-4. General Administration Dept. dated. 30-11-1987.

13. G.O.Ms.No. 165. G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. dated 20-03-1989.

14. Govt. Memo No. 331 /Ser.A/90-1, General Administration Dept. dated. 15-03-1990.

15. Govt. Memo No. 872/Ser.A/85-1. General Administration Dept. dated. 27-01-1986.

16. G.O.Ms.No. 427, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept. dated. 01-07-1991.

17. G.O.Ms.No. 533. General Administration (Ser.A) Dept. dated 5-9-1991.

18. G.O.Ms.No. 612. General Administration (Ser.A) Dept. dt. 30-10-1991.

19. Govt. Memo No. 42/Ser.A/92-2, General Administration Dept. dated.06-02-1992.

20. Govt. Memo No. 635/Ser.A/92-2, General Administration Dept. dated. 10-06-1992.

21. Govt. Memo No. 1094/Ser.A/92-1, General Administration Dept. 23-12-1992.

22. G.O.Ms.No. 699, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept., dated. 05-02-1993.

23. G.O.Ms.No. 59, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept. dt. 05-02-1993.

24. G.O.Ms.No.577, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept. dt. 29-10-1993.

25. G.O.Ms.No. 215, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept., dated 08-04-1993.

26. G.O.Ms.No. 76, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept., dt. 15-03-1995.

27. G.O.Ms.No. 969, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept., dt. 27-10-1995.

28. G.O.Ms.No. 43, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept., dt. 07-02-1996.



In the G.O. first read above, orders have been issued for providing permanent relief to the family of a deceased Government Servant who dies in harness while in service by appointing his son / daughter / spouse to the posts the pay of which is equal to or less than that of Lower Division Clerk (Junior Assistant) for which such dependents are eligible without the media of Employment Exchange / Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission subject to certain conditions specified therein.  Various orders have been issued from time to time. on the scheme, as a social security measure. Further several clarifications/instructions/guidelines and concessions have been issued from time to time on the scheme in the references second to twenty eighth read above, regarding relaxation or certain rules like age, educational qualifications for appointments, the time limit for submission of application and eligibility etc., in order to implement the scheme of Compassionate appointments to the depc1rdents of deceased Government Employees in manageable terms and more effectively and to achieve the purpose for which the scheme is introduced.  Instructions have been issued earlier in the Govt. Memos. third and seventh read above not to cntc11ain cases which do not satisfy the criteria laid in the scheme.


Government have reviewed the scheme of compassionate appointments to the dependents of deceased Govern111ent Employees who die in harness and have decided that the proposals for providing appointments to the dependents of the deceased Government Employees which arc totally in conformity with the existing instructions on the scheme should only be considered and no case for relaxation of any of the conditions stipulated in the scheme shall he entertained.


Accordingly, Government direct that the proposals for providing compassionate appointments to the dependents of deceased Government Employees which are totally in conformity with the existing Government instructions on the scheme should only he considered and no cases which arc in deviation of the orders/instructions/guidelines issued in the references cited should he proposed for any relaxation, whatsoever. All the Departments of Secretariat / Heads of Departn1ents / District Collectors etc., are therefore, requested to adhere to the existing instructions and guidelines issued from time to time on the scheme while considering compassionate appointments to the dependents of the deceased Government employees strictly without any deviation. They are also directed not to entertain the requests for compassionate appointments in cases which do not conform the conditions stipulated in the scheme from time to time, as no application for relaxation of any or the conditions stipulated under the scheme is proposed to be entertained by Government.


All the Depts., of Secretariat/Heads of Depts., and Dist. Collectors shall follow these instructions scrupulously and also issue instructions to their subordinate authorities to scrupulously follow the above instructions.


(By order and in the Name of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh)



Chief Secretary to Government


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