Memo.No.1094/Ser.A/92-1, Dated: 23-12-1992.
Sub:-Public Services - Compassionate appointment of spouse of deceased Government Servants to the posts in Junior Assistant Cadre - Observation of upper age limit - Certain clarification - Requested - Regarding.
Ref:-Lr.Rc.No.A7/6968/92, dt.7.11.1992 from Collector and District Magistrate, Krishna, Machilipatnam.
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G.O.Ms.No.687, General Administration (Ser.A) Department, dated 3-10- 1977, stipulated, among other things that the temporary appointment of a spouse or a child of a deceased Government servant can be considered for regular appointment without subjecting them to the normal process of the recruitment as provided in the relevant recruitment rules provided such family members of the deceased Government servant satisfy other conditions of recruitment prescribed in the rules such as age and educational qualification. Subsequently in Government Memo No.618/Ser.A/78-11, G.A.D. dated 17-12-1979 it was clarified among other things, that if the eligible children of the deceased Government servants are minors his/her spouse may seek employment under this scheme and in such cases no upper age limit need be prescribed. In Government Memo No.2047/Ser.A/83-1, G.A.D. dated 10-10-1983 while issuing a clarification in regard to compassionate appointments to the Last Grade Service, it was mentioned that no application for relaxation of any of the conditions mentioned in G.O.Ms.No.687, General Administration (Ser.A) Department, dated 3-10-1977 in respect of appointment of [79] dependents of deceased Government servants to posts other than the posts in the Last Grade Services, should be entertained.
2. Referring to the above instructions of the Government the Collector, Krishna has now sought for a clarification whether to upper age limit need to observe in the case of compassionate appointment of spouse of the deceased Government servant to the post of Junior Assistant/Typist or Record Assistant Cadre.
3. It is clarified that the spouse of the deceased employee may be appointed initially on temporary basis by the appointing authority after being allotted by the nodal agency concerned and if such an appointment requires relaxation of age, necessary proposal should be sent to the administrative department concerned in Government for taking further action for relaxation of the age rule.