Memo No. 849/Ser.A/95-1 Dated 27-01-1996
Sub: Public Services - Compassionate appointments to the dependents of the deceased Government employees as well as to the dependents of the Govt. employees who retire on medical invalidation Regarding.
Ref: 1. Govt Memo No. 535/Scr.A/91-A. G.A.D. dated:31-7-1991.
2. Govt. Memo No.42/Scr.A/92-1. G.A.D. dated: 6-2-1992.
3. From the Dist. Collector. Cuddapah NICNET Message Ref. A 7/453/95 (D.C.O) dated 18-11-1995 and 27-12-1995.
The a11cntion of the Dist. Collector, Cuddapah is invited to his NICNET messages third cited and he is informed that as per the clarification already issued in the Government Memo first cited. the appointment of the dependents. or the deceased Government employees need not be linked up with the absorption or the surplus employees, since the scheme of compassionate appointments is to provide immediate relief to the families in distress.
Further with reference to the second point of his NICNET message third cited. he is informed that as per the instructions issued in the Government Memo. second cited the Dist. Collectors arc not the nodal authority for the appointments or the dependents or the Govt. employees who retire on medical invalidation and as such the Dist. Collector cannot act as nodal authority for the cases of appointments of the dependents of Government employee who retire on medical invalidation.
Secretary to Government