Public Services - Subordinate Services-Scheme of compassionate appointment to the dependents of deceased Government Employees - Action to be taken against the candidates who fail to acquire the requisite qualification prescribed for the post within the stipulated time under the scheme or compassionate appointments – Certain clarification - Issued.
G.O.Ms. No. 969 Dated: 27-10-1995
Read the following ·-
1. G.O.Ms.No. 612, G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. dated 30-10-1991.
2. G.O.Ms.No. 577, G.A/(Ser.A) Dept. dated 29-10- 1991.
3. G.O.Ms. No.767. G.A.(Ser.A) Dept. dated 15-3-1995
In para 2(vii) of the G.O. first read above, it has been ordered that where Typewriting is an essential qualification to a post. the candidates who do not possess these qualifications may be considered for appointment to such categories of posts under the scheme of compassionate appointments, subject to the condition that they should acquire such qualification within two years after such appointment. It was also ordered in para 2(viii) of the said G.O. that the minimum qualification required to hold the post of Junior Assistant in Heads of Departments/Directorates is a Degree and in Subordinate Offices Intermediate and the candidates for compassionate appointments who do not possess the said qualifications can be considered for appointment. if they possess atleast intermediate/Tenth Class qualification respectively, by giving reasonable time to acquire higher qualification prescribed under
rules to hold such post.
2. Subsequently in G.Os second and third read above. Government have directed that a maximum period of 3 (three) years to acquire Intermediate qualification and 5 (five) years to acquire Degree qualification be allowed in respect of candidates appointed on compassionate grounds to the posts of Jr. Assistants in Subordinate Offices and Heads of Departments and Secretariat. as the case may be.
3. Several instances have come to the notice of the Government that candidates who were appointed without possessing the minimum Educational or Typewriting qualifications. under the scheme of compassionate appointment to the dependents of the deceased Government employees have failed to acquire the requisite qualification within the stipulated period prescribed in the aforesaid G.Os. and subsequently representing for extension of time limit to acquire such qualification.
4. Several proposals are also being received Imm Subordinate Offices lo the Heads or the Departments for granting extension or further time limit 10 acquire requisite qualification beyond the stipulated period. In turn the Heads or Department in individual cases. arc seeking clarification from the Government regarding the action to be taken against those candidates who failed to acquire requisite Educational or Typewriting qualifications within the time stipulated besides seeking permission to give extension of time to such candidates for acquiring the requisite qualification.
5. The Government after careful examination of the matter. Here by direct that in cases or dependents or the; deceased Government employees. who do not possess the minimum Educational qualification or Typewriting qualification prescribed for the post 10 which they arc appointed with a condition 10 acquire such requisite qualification within the stipulated period prescribed in the G.Os read above. Fail 10 acquire such requisite qualification within that stipulated time. such candidates may he allowed/given a further period or 02 (two) more years over and above the period prescribed in the G.Os. read above as grace period to acquire such requisite Educational or Typewriting qualification prescribed for the post to which they were appointed.
6. Government also direct that if the candidate concerned fails to acquire the requisite Educational or Typewriting qualifications even within the above extended grace period. then he/she may be considered for appointment for a lower post such as an Attender where such Educational or Typewriting qualification is not prescribed and accordingly, he/she may be appointed in a lower post such as an Attender as if he/she is a fresh candidate, after obtaining the willingness of the candidate. If he/she is not willing to take the lower post it, shall be treated that there are no compelling reasons of poverty and such candidate he discharged from service.
(By order and in the Name of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh)
Chief Secretary to Government