Memo.No:22369, Dt:31-01-1997




Memo.No. 22369/ AR&T. III/96- l,                                                                                 Dt: 31 -01-1997.


Sub: Administration - Stay of Officers and Staff in their Headquarters and tours by Officers - Instructions - Reiterated.


Ref: DO. Lr.No. 1375/AR&T. III/91-9, G.A.D. Dt., 29.11.1991.



The problem of officers and staff staying outside their Headquarters and at times even outside their jurisdiction, has been assuming critical proportions. This is a serious impropriety, bordering on dereliction of duty and has to be effectively checked. Government servants are expected to be on duty all the time. If they are not available at their headquarters or even in their jurisdiction, this naturally would badly affect administrative efficiency and bring in turn the administration to disrupt. Even though specific instructions have been issued in this regard in the D.O. letter cited, instances are coming to the notice of the Government, that the instructions contained therein are not being adhered to by some of the officers.


2. The instructions issued in the reference cited are therefore, reiterated for compliance by all Heads of Departments in future. A copy of the D.O. Letter first cited is also sent herewith for taking necessary action.



Spl. Chief Secretary to Govt.

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