Public Services - Preparation of Half-yearly panels for non-selection posts - Orders - Issued.
G.O.Ms.No. 456 Dated: 09-08-1989
Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.642, Genl. Admn. (Ser.B) Dept., dated 13-9-1979.
2. G.O.Ms.No.687, Genl. Admn. (Ser.D) Dept., dated 17-12-1988.
In the G.O. 1stread above, orders have been issued to the effect that the appointing authorities should prepare a list of eligible employees for promotion to non-selection posts, every year after considering their qualifications etc., prescribed in the relevant rules. It was not mentioned in the above said G.O. whether the eligibility of persons for promotion to the non-gazetted posts shall be with reference to any particular date. This question has been examined by the Government in detail having regard to the pattern followed in respect of gazetted posts introduced in the G.O. 2nd read above.
2. The Government have decided that a list of eligible candidates for purposes of promotion to the higher non-gazetted posts shall be prepared by the appointing authorities half yearly with reference to first May and first November of every year, after considering the qualifications prescribed for such promotion. The panels shall be for May to October and November to April. The eligibility of candidates for purpose of inclusion of their names in the said lists shall be reckoned as on 1stMay or 1st November as the case may be. The lists so prepared as on the 18thday of May shall be valid till the 30th day of November of the same year and the list prepared as on the 1st day of November shall be valid till the 31st day of May of the succeeding year or till a new panel is prepared for the succeeding half year concerned whichever is earlier.
3. The appointing authorities are also directed that no such list of approved candidates need be prepared 1) if vacancies are not available for the particular panel period subject to the appointing authority recording a certificate to that effect; or 2) where the Government do not consider it necessary.
4. All the appointing authorities arc requested lo take action accordingly.
(By Order and in the name of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh)
Chief Secretary to Government